I am attempting to parse the output of a VNC server startup event and have run into a problem in parsing using sed in a command substitution. Specifically, the remote VNC server is started in a manner such as the following:
VNCServerResponse="$(ssh "${address1}" 'vncserver' 2>&1)"
The standard error output produced in this startup event is then to be parsed in order to extract the server and display information. At this point the content of the variable VNCServerResponse
is something such as the following:
New 'lxplus0186.cern.ch:1 (user1)' desktop is lxplus0186.cern.ch:1
Starting applications specified in /afs/cern.ch/user/u/user1/.vnc/xstartup
Log file is /afs/cern.ch/user/u/user1/.vnc/lxplus0186.cern.ch:1.log
This output can be parsed in the following way in order to extract the server and display information:
echo "${VNCServerResponse}" | sed '/New.*desktop.*is/!d' \
| awk -F" desktop is " '{print $2}'
The result is something such as the following:
What I want to do is use this parsing in a command substitution something like the following:
VNCServerAndDisplayNumber="$(echo "${VNCServerResponse}" \
| sed '/New.*desktop.*is/!d' | awk -F" desktop is " '{print $2}')"
On attempting to do this, I am presented with the following error:
bash: !d': event not found
I am not sure how to address this. It appears to be a problem in the way sed is being used in the command substitution. I would appreciate guidance.
The problem is that within double quotes, bash is trying to expand !d
before passing it to the subshell. You can get around this problem by removing the double quotes but I would also propose a simplification to your script:
VNCServerAndDisplayNumber=$(echo "$VNCServerResponse" | awk '/desktop/ {print $NF}')
This simply prints the last field on the line containing the word "desktop".
On a newer bash, you can use a herestring rather than piping an echo
VNCServerAndDisplayNumber=$(awk '/desktop/ {print $NF}' <<<"$VNCServerResponse")