I want to hold/unhold my calls using Asterisk AMI. I have used Park AMI Action. Then, My phone disconnects, and Senders phone plays a music. How to Unpark this Call ? Can anybody help me Please ?
UnParkAction upac = new UnParkAction(channel, channel1, "360000");
ManagerResponse rr = ApplicationVariables.manager.SendAction(upac); //Sending it to Manager COnnection
You can use Redirect AMI command.
This solves the unparking issue but with a difference that the initiator will still need to answer a call. In other words he does not fully retrieve the call without any action at all.
In more detail:
When you park the call you need to have both channels:
(1) Channel to be parked
(2) Channel that makes the park
Store in a static variable (1).
Then when you finished parking do the following:
Initiate redirect call from the Channel parked (essentially what you have stored) and as destination, your number.
Example URL:
https://<YOUR AMI URL>?action=Redirect&channel=" + channelParked + "&context=" + context + "&priority=1&Exten=" + myPhoneNumber;