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How to remove routes depending the object Sonata Admin

I would like to remove the delete route for certain objects (which are linked to others...).

Is there a way to remove Routes in the configureRoutes method depending on the edited object (for example the id)?

Or is there a way to do it in the configureFormFields method ?


  • EDIT: This is a very old answer, so it may or may not work in your case

    To get the current object inside XXXAdmin class use:


    protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $formMapper) {
      $product = $this->getSubject();
      if ($product->getId()) { // editing
    public function configureRoutes(\Sonata\AdminBundle\Route\RouteCollection $collection)  {
      $product = $this->getSubject();
      if ($product->getId()) { // editing