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buildout cfg requires modules that are already installed

I am trying to run:

sudo bin/buildout

And I get a message saying:

mr.developer: Queued 'django-accessibillity' for checkout.
mr.developer: Queued 'django-registration' for checkout.
mr.developer: Queued 'ivc-formutils' for checkout.

And asks me for password for a repository. However the problem is that this repository no longer exists and I can't download files from there. Therefore I got these modules from other sources and installed them. But when I run buildout installation still asks me for the same modules.

Is it somehow possible to get buildout to recognize that I already have these modules or is there some other workaround ?


  • mr.developer will, by default, update your repositories when buildout runs. You can disable this with the auto-checkout option in the [buildout] section:

    extensions = mr.developer
    # ...
    auto-checkout = false

    However, if you have a checkout that is no longer present in the repository, convert your sources to the fs type instead of git or svn or whatever repository type they were before.

    Look for the [sources] section (unless a sources key is set in the [buildout] section, in which case that'll name the right section). It'll have entries like:

    django-accessibillity = git
    django-registration = svn

    Change these to use fs <name-of-package> instead:

    django-accessibillity = fs django-accessibillity
    django-registration = fs django-registration