I am building a daily deal Rails app
I am displaying to the user only the deals of the country i associate him with thanks to geocoder gem.
I wonder what would happen if geocoder fails (for any reason) to retrieve the country and sends an empty array, as i think it does when it fails to send ip( see https://github.com/alexreisner/geocoder#error-handling)
class StaticPagesController < ApplicationController
def home
@deals = deal_in_user_country.featured_on_hp
respond_to do |format|
format.html # home.html.erb
# create a scope to filter the deals that meet the user's country
def deal_in_user_country
Deal.where(country: set_location_by_ip_lookup.country || 'United States') # if geocoder gets pb then default = US version
As you see, I tried to use || and puts 'United States' but I don't think it will work. i think that if geocoder sends empty array , set_location_by_ip_lookup=[] and then set_location_by_ip_lookup.country will generate an error, am I right ?
How should i avoid bugs when geocoder sends an empty array ?
For info if it helps, here is how I set country in concerns/CountrySetter
module CountrySetter
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
before_filter :set_location_by_ip_lookup
def set_location_by_ip_lookup
if Rails.env.development? or Rails.env.test?
else #in production
Your code should be fine, if geocoder allways returns at least an empty array (except I would not name this mehtod set_
because it's not setting anything)
Try out on irb
{a: [:d].first || :b}
=> {:a=>:d}
{a: [].first || :b}
=> {:a=>:b}
However i would put this in paranethesis to make it clear
Deal.where(country: (set_location_by_ip_lookup.country || 'United States'))
shouldn't be throwing exceptions, otherwise it would be named Geocoder.search!
according to an unwritten ruby convention. I would double check this by plugin out the internet connection and see what happens