I am trying to get notified when an user subscribes to a stomp user destination using @SubscribeMapping annotation. My ideia is to send some initialization data to when it joins.
Although i am not being able to get this working:
stompClient.subscribe('/user/monitor', function(msg) {
Java side:
public void init(@DestinationVariable("clientId") String clientId) {
messagingTemplate.convertAndSend("/user/" + clientId + "/monitor", getOps());
I tried many mapping combinations such as "/user/monitor-{clientId}", "/user/monitor" (Removing clientId), no success at all.
What is the expected mapping value so this get called?
Thank you!
Since the client subscribes to the "/user/monitor" queue, the server @SubscribeMapping annotation must be to "/user/monitor" and not to "/user/monitor{something}".
The server can understand what client is depending on your authentication scheme. If you use a sockjs websocket you can use HTTP authentication, and hence leverage Spring Security, and add a "Principal" parameter to your function that will hold user information:
public void init(Principal p) {
String user = p.getName();
messagingTemplate.convertAndSendToUser(user, "/monitor", getOps());
If you don't use http authentication you may send the server the user info, for example adding a custom STOMP header that can be accessed from the server using a SimpMessageHeaderAccessor:
public void init(SimpMessageHeaderAccessor accessor) {
String user = accessor.getFirstNativeHeader("userid");
messagingTemplate.convertAndSendToUser(user, "/monitor", getOps());
Another way could be to subscribe to a different queue name which contains the user information (and this maybe was your proposal). The client must use a code similar to:
stompClient.subscribe('/topic/byUser/'+userId, function(msg) {
so that the server can access it this way:
public void init(@DestinationVariable String userId) {
messagingTemplate.convertAndSendToUser(userId, "/monitor", getOps());
but in this case keep in mind that that queue is public and hence other clients can access their messages if they knows other client names.