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activeadmin access one resource's comments by two models rails4

I have rails4 app. It has (among others) Client and Developer models. I also have Submission model. I use activeadmin with cancan gems. I try to make Submission's comments to be visible for both Client and Developer (which are related to certain submission), but when I check, developer only sees his comments and client correspondingly his. Assume, it has something to do with Ability class definitions. Here is mine (partially):

 def developer_rules(developer)
    can [:read, :create], ActiveAdmin::Comment

 def client_rules(client)
    can [:read, :create], ActiveAdmin::Comment
    can :manage, Client, id:

Has anyone faced anything similar? Would be grateful for any hints. Thank you!



  • Eventually, issue has nothing to do with Ability class. ActiveAdmin shows comments separately for every namespace (even though these comment are associated to same resource), therefore the solution is to override this method

    def self.find_for_resource_in_namespace(resource, namespace)
      where resource_type: resource_type(resource),
      resource_id: resource_id_cast(resource),
      namespace: namespace.to_s

    deleting last line namespace: namespace.to_s so that comments are shown independent of namespace.