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Make Text.Parsec.Indent parsing fail if unindent does not match any outer indentation level

I am trying to parse a string in Haskell which represents a tree. Each node is on a line, where the indentation determines the nesting (e.g. like the syntax of Python or Haskell).

A successful parsing result should be of the type [Tree] (a forest of rose trees), where

data Tree = Tree String [Tree]
          deriving Show

For example, the string


should result in

[Tree "A" [Tree "B" [], Tree "C" []], Tree "D" [Tree "E" [Tree "F" []]]]

With the Haskell indents package and the help of an article about how to parse indented trees, I could parse examples like this.

The problem is that my current implementation successfully parses the string



[Tree "A" [Tree "B" [Tree "C" []]], Tree "D" []]

The node D is parsed as another root. However, I would like to make the parsing fail, since D is unindented relative to C, but it does not match the indentation level of A or B.

My implementation is as follows (simplifications: tree labels are nonempty and have alphanumeric characters only; not every kind of Unicode newline is supported).

import qualified Control.Applicative as A
import qualified Control.Monad as M
import qualified Text.Parsec as P
import qualified Text.Parsec.Indent as I

parse :: String -> Either P.ParseError [Tree]
parse = I.runIndent "" . P.runParserT forest () ""

forest = P.many tree A.<* P.eof

tree = spacing A.*> I.withBlock Tree node tree

spacing = P.many P.newline A.*> indentation

indentation = P.many $ P.char ' '

node = label A.<* spacing

label = P.many1 P.alphaNum A.<* lineEnd

lineEnd = M.void P.newline P.<|> P.eof

How can this parser be changed to accept only unindents which match some outer indentation level? Thanks in advance.


  • Simply replacing the definition of forest by

    forest = I.block tree A.<* P.eof

    seems to do the trick. I.block here makes sure that the roots of the source string are indented to the same level.

    The example


    now fails with

    (line 4, column 7):
    unexpected 'D'
    expecting " " or end of input
    not indented or indentation doesn't match

    The problem with P.many tree is that a tree can be arbitrarily indented. As soon as an unindentation of a tree does not match any outer indentation level (D in the example), the parser happily grows another top-level tree (root) of the forest instead of failing.