$ testem ci
not ok 1 PhantomJS - Browser "phantomjs /home/ubuntu/.nvm/v0.10.12/lib/node_modules/testem/assets/phantom.js http://localhost:7357/6092" exited unexpectedly.
# tests 1
# pass 0
# fail 1
$ phantomjs --version
2014-07-28T00:24:22 [WARNING] Unable to load library icui18n "Cannot load library icui18n: (libicui18n.so.48: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)"
2014-07-28T00:24:22 [WARNING] phantomjs: cannot connect to X server
What's wrong?
command works fine and all the tests pass in Chrome
It was a bad phantomJS installation.
$ sudo apt-get remove phantomjs
$ npm uninstall phantomjs -g
$ npm install phantomjs -g