I recently came across a new programming language - "The Dog programming language"
I was searching for a compiler for this language.
I found an article about the Dog language.
I found a Dog compiler written in the Perl language but I don't know how to use it.
Thanks in advance!
First, install perl and make sure it is in your path:
Download it here: http://www.perl.org/get.html
You can use strawberry perl (possibly the other one too).
Then, download the compiler from http://viewsourcecode.org/code/perl/dog.txt and save it as dog.txt
(you can actually name it whatever you want but these instructions assume you named it dog.txt).
Make a DOG source code file. Let's assume it is called helloworld.dog.
Here's some code you can put into helloworld.dog:
bark "Hello world!\n"
Run it in a terminal (command prompt):
perl dog.txt helloworld.dog
Download the compiler:
wget http://viewsourcecode.org/code/perl/dog.txt
Make it executable:
chmod +x dog.txt
Make a DOG source code file. Let's assume it is called helloworld.dog.
Here's some code you can put into helloworld.dog:
bark "Hello world!\n"
Run it:
./dog.txt helloworld.dog