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Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'RedisException' with message 'Redis server went away'

One of my application suddenly started to give error:

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'RedisException' with message 'Redis server went away' in /var/www/_slim/_core/system/generator.001.php:133 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/_slim/_core/system/generator.001.php(133): Redis->auth('77B1BFFBC0378DF...') #1 /var/www/_slim/_core/system/generator.007.php(144): Generator001->r6_redis_start('R') #2 /var/www/_slim/_core/system/generator.007.php(26): Generator007->HarvestRedis() #3 /var/www/_slim/_core/system/ Generator007->Generator007() #4 /var/www/_slim/_core/system/generator.last.php(43): Generator008->Generator008() #5 /var/www/_slim/site/home/php/index.php(16): GeneratorLast->GeneratorLast() #6 /var/www/index.php(96): Gui->Gui()
#7 {main} thrown in /var/www/_slim/_core/system/generator.001.php on line 133

I have reinstalled redis-server but no luck so far. Any suggestions?


  • Well, as the exception describes itself, your Redis server is down.

    Try the following stuff:

    1. See if the server that runs the Redis instance contains any firewall on (iptables, maybe?).
    2. Go to your web server (that runs your php) and try to telnet to your redis server.
    3. See if the configured host/ip is correct. Maybe something in the network settings of the Redis server have been changed.