I am seeing two very different behaviors for something that I thought were the exact same.
Defining my private member in the class extension like this:
@interface ClassA ()
@property ClassB* b;
@implementation ClassA
self.b = newB;
return self;
return self.b;
Or defining my private member in the class implementation like this:
@interface ClassA ()
@implementation ClassA
ClassB* b;
b = newB;
return self;
return b;
The way I am using this code is to create a ClassB object, initialize a ClassA object with that ClassB object, and then add the ClassA object to a mutable array
self.classAList = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[self.classAList addObject:[[ClassA alloc] initWithClassB:[self createClassB1]]];
[self.classAList addObject:[[ClassA alloc] initWithClassB:[self createClassB2]]];
[self.classAList addObject:[[ClassA alloc] initWithClassB:[self createClassB3]]];
ClassB* classB = new ClassB();
//do some init
return classB;
// Same thing fore createClassB2 and createClassB3 except with different data
When I use the first approach, and define my member in the interface extension, I see that each element in my mutable array is indeed what I would expect.
However, using the second approach, I see that my ClassB* b
pointer in the ClassA
object always ends up pointing to the most recently created ClassB
object. That is, once the -(void)init
method finishes, the ClassB
pointers in each of the ClassA
objects points to the ClassB
object I created in createClassB3
What is happening here?
I should also mention that the ClassB object is a C++ object and this is a an objective-c++ class.
In your second snippet, b
is just a global variable at file scope. The fact that it's inside of the @implementation ... @end
is irrelevant. It is not an instance variable nor a property.