I'm writing a WP 8 that will show list returned from the WCF service. I want to select all teachers from the database and then from the created list return another one that will show 5 teachers whose maximum income (maxInc
) is closest to mine (MyMaxInc
). For example if MyMaxInc = 200
and I have user with 225, user2 with 240 and user3 with 210 the returned list will show teachers in the following order: user3, user, user2.
My service implementation:
public IEnumerable<mTeachers> GetStuffList(int MyMaxInc, int MyMinInc)
List<mTeachers> stuffList = new List<mTeachers>();
DataClasses1DataContext data = new DataClasses1DataContext();
int inc = 0;
List<mTeachers> finalList = new List<mTeachers>();
foreach (var d in data.Stuffs)
if (d.stuffJob == "teacher")
stuffList.Add(new mTeachers(d.stuffName, (int)d.maxInc, (int)d.minInc, "teacher", inc)); inc++;
if (inc > 0)
foreach (mTeachers element in stuffList)
if () {/*didn't finish this bit because
don't know how to create second list*/ }
return finalList;
else return null;
Service interface:
public interface IService1
IEnumerable<mTeachers> GetStuffList(int MyMaxInc, int MyMinInc);
public class mTeachers
public string Name;
public int maxInc;
public int minInc;
public string Job;
public int Number;
public mTeachers(string Name, int maxInc, int minInc, string Job, int Number)
this.maxInc = maxInc;
this.minInc = minInc;
this.Name = Name;
this.Job = Job;
this.Number = Number;
Also I created Number
member of mTeachers
class to group finalList
later. For example I can assign some number when I'm creating a list in the loop and the group it with private static List<Group<T>> GetItemGroups<T>(IEnumerable<T> itemList, Func<T, string> getKeyFunc)
foreach (mTeachers element in stuffList)
if () {/*didn't finish this bit because
don't know how to create second list*/ }
stuffList.OrderBy(x => Math.Abs(x.maxInc - MyMaxInc)).Take(5));
converts negative differences to positive to be able to compare smaller and larger values at the same time.
combined with Take(5)
takes the 5 first elements sorted by the smallest difference.