I would like to switch from scriplets to EL or JSTL, yet i simply cannot figure out how you hve to pass your attributes from the controllers to the view.
Lets say we have a list of cars in our controller, and we want to display them on our view. With scriplets we would do:
<% List<Car> cars= (List) request.getAttribute("Cars"); %>
To retrieve the list from our controller to our view.
How is this done with EL or JSTL ?
I am assuming you are setting your list as follows from your controller -
request.setAttribute("items", items);
If this is the case, then you can access each item of this list as follows -
<c:forEach var="item" items="${items}">
If the list contains objects which have a property called, say, price
(which means you have getPrice
getter in the class), then you can do this to access that value -
inside that jstl loop.