I have an object with heavy initialization cost and memory footprint. Initialization time is human-noticeable but creation frequency is low.
class HeavyClass {
My solution is to create a Provider actor that would have a single object created ahead of time and provide it instantly on request. The provider would then go on with creating the next object.
class HeavyClassProvider extends Actor {
var hc: Option[HeavyClass] = Some(new HeavyClass())
override def receive = {
case "REQUEST" =>
sender ! { hc getOrElse new HeavyClass() }
self ! "RESPAWN"
hc = None
case "RESPAWN" if (hc == None) => hc = Some(new HeavyClass())
And a consumer:
abstract class HeavyClassConsumer extends Actor {
import context.dispatcher
import akka.pattern.ask
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import akka.util.Timeout
implicit val timeout = Timeout(5, SECONDS)
var provider: ActorRef
var hc: Option[HeavyClass] = None
override def receive = {
case "START" =>
((provider ask "REQUEST").mapTo[HeavyClass]
onSuccess { case h: HeavyClass => hc = Some(h) })
Is this a common pattern ? The code feels wacky, is there an obvious cleaner way of doing this ?
The problem with your solution is that when you call new HeavyClass()
your actor will block until it will process that computation. Doing it in a Future or in another Actor avoids that. Here is one way to do it:
import akka.pattern.pipe
class HeavyClassProvider extends Actor {
// start off async computation during init:
var hc: Future[HeavyClass] = Future(new HeavyClass)
override def receive = {
case "REQUEST" =>
// send result to requester when it's complete or
// immediately if its already complete:
hc pipeTo sender
// start a new computation and send to self:
Future(new HeavyClass) pipeTo self
case result: HeavyClass => // new result is ready
hc = Future.successful(result) // update with newly computed result
case Status.Failure(f) => // computation failed
hc = Future.failed[HeavyClass](f)
// maybe request a recomputation again
(I didn't compile it)
One particularity about my first solution is that it does not restrict how many Futures are computed at the same time. If you receive multiple requests it will compute multiple futures which might not be desirable, although there is no race condition in this Actor. To restrict that simply introduce a Boolean flag in the Actor that tells you if you are computing something already. Also, all these var
s can be replaced with become/unbecome
Example of a single concurrent Future computation given multiple requests:
import akka.pattern.pipe
class HeavyClassProvider extends Actor {
// start off async computation during init:
var hc: Future[HeavyClass] = Future(new HeavyClass) pipeTo self
var computing: Boolean = true
override def receive = {
case "REQUEST" =>
// send result to requester when it's complete or
// immediately if its already complete:
hc pipeTo sender
// start a new computation and send to self:
if(! computing)
Future(new HeavyClass) pipeTo self
case result: HeavyClass => // new result is ready
hc = Future.successful(result) // update with newly computed result
computing = false
case Status.Failure(f) => // computation failed
hc = Future.failed[HeavyClass](f)
computing = false
// maybe request a recomputation again
EDIT: After discussing requirements further in the comments here is yet another implementation that sends a new object to the sender/client on each request in non-blocking manner:
import akka.pattern.pipe
class HeavyClassProvider extends Actor {
override def receive = {
case "REQUEST" =>
Future(new HeavyClass) pipeTo sender
And then it can be simplified to:
object SomeFactoryObject {
def computeLongOp: Future[HeavyClass] = Future(new HeavyClass)
In this case no actors are needed. The purpose of using an Actor in these cases as a synchronization mechanism and non-blocking computation is for that Actor to cache results and provide async computation with more complex logic than just Future
, otherwise Future
is sufficient.