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Interdependent Generic Classes?

At the bottom of this post is an example of how a solution might look, although clearly the example is invalid because it used BaseNode and BaseEdge without providing types when inheriting.

I'm trying to create an abstract graph class, where both the node class and the edge class must also be abstract. Individual implementations of each class will add methods and properties as well as implementing abstract methods from the base classes.

I have an existing solution that merely uses the base types for everything, however I quickly found myself in a mess of casting.

Only the graph class must be publicly exposed, although the others can be, so solutions involving node and edge classes being nested within the graph class are acceptable.

Is there any way in which this can be structured such that all properties are of the proper types without expensive casts anywhere in the system? It's more important that implementing classes don't have to cast everywhere, but performance is definitely a concern in this case (it actually is) so I would rather avoid casting altogether.

abstract class Graph<TNode, TEdge>
    where TNode : BaseNode<TEdge>
    where TEdge : BaseEdge<TNode>
    TNode root;
    List<TNode> nodes;
    List<TEdge> edges;

    public abstract float process();

abstract class BaseNode<TEdge>
    where TEdge : BaseEdge
    List<TEdge> inputs;

    public List<TEdge> Inputs
            return inputs;

    public abstract float process();

abstract class BaseEdge<TNode>
    where TNode : BaseNode
    TNode from;
    TNode to;

    public TNode To
            return to;

    public TNode From
            return from;

    public abstract float process();

@Marceln wanted to see a my existing implementation, so here it is. It's just the same thing without the generics.

abstract class Graph
    BaseNode root;
    List<BaseNode> nodes;
    List<BaseEdge> edges;

    public abstract float process();

abstract class BaseNode
    List<BaseEdge> inputs;

    public List<BaseEdge> Inputs
            return inputs;

    public abstract float process();

abstract class BaseEdge
    BaseNode from;
    BaseNode to;

    public BaseNode To
            return to;

    public BaseNode From
            return from;

    public abstract float process();

Where an implementation of a Node might look like this:

class ImplementedNode : BaseNode
    public override float process()
        foreach (ImplementedEdge edge in this.Inputs)
            // Something

    public bool getImplementationSpecificInfo()
        return true;


  • If you are willing to loosen up the constraints on BaseEdge and BaseNode then you could do something like in the example below.

    I have introduced the interfaces INode and IEdge just so whoever works with this isn't allowed to create concrete subclasses of BaseEdge and BaseNode with any type.

    public interface INode
    public interface IEdge
    public abstract class Graph<TNode, TEdge>
        where TNode : BaseNode<TEdge>
        where TEdge : BaseEdge<TNode>
        public TNode Root { get; set; }
        public List<TNode> Nodes { get; set; }
        public List<TEdge> Edges { get; set; }
    public abstract class BaseNode<TEdge> : INode where TEdge: IEdge
        List<TEdge> inputs;
        public List<TEdge> Inputs
                return inputs;
        public abstract float process();
    public abstract class BaseEdge<TNode> : IEdge where TNode: INode
        TNode from;
        TNode to;
        public TNode To
                return to;
        public TNode From
                return from;
        public abstract float process();
    public class ConcreteNode : BaseNode<ConcreteEdge>
        public override float process()
            return 0;
    public class ConcreteEdge : BaseEdge<ConcreteNode>
        public override float process()
            return 0;
    public class ConcreteGraph : Graph<ConcreteNode, ConcreteEdge>