I am trying to use a std::list<arnAddr>
(arnAddr being a custom Struct) in a Chai scriptfile.
But I get an error during parsing :
Error: "Missing clone or copy constructor for right hand side of equation" With parameters: (NSt3__14listIN3arn7arnAddrENS_9allocatorIS2_EEEE)`
I am adding the following to the chai parser :
ChaiScript interpreter;
interpreter.add(user_type<arnAddr>(), "Address");
interpreter.add(constructor<arnAddr(const int, const int)>(), "Address");
interpreter.add(constructor<arnAddr(arnIP, arnPort)>(), "Address");
interpreter.add(fun(&Database::getGroup, database), "group");
// std::list<arnAddr>& getGroup(); is the prototype
The script file is very simple and just contains var group = group();
What I get from the error message is, that Chaiscript does not know how to copy construct a std::list<arnAddr>
. But how do I fix that?
What about starting like this:
ChaiScript interpreter;
interpreter.add(user_type<arnAddr>(), "Address");
interpreter.add(user_type<std::list<arnAddr> >(), "AddressList");
interpreter.add(bootstrap::basic_constructors<std::list<arnAddr> >("AddressList"));
This should tell ChaiScript about the container (no, It won't add all the possible containers automaticly - especially the copy constructor is needed)
Maybe you'd like this as well:
interpreter.add(bootstrap::::standard_library::list_type<std::list<arnAddr> >("AddressList"));