I'm trying to write a program that uses a shelve database of sorted letters as key, and a list of words that can be created from them as values. e.g:
db['mnoo'] = ['moon', 'mono']
So I wrote a function that takes a filename and loads it into a shelve. The first part, that turns the file into a dictionary with the same layout as the shelve works fine, but the shelve part takes really long.
I'm trying it with a dictionary of ~100k entries, each value being a list. It seems to take 15-20 seconds for each 1000 enteries, and each entry seems to take ~1kb of space. Is this nromal?
the code:
def save_to_db(filename, shelve_in='anagram_db'):
dct = anagrams_from_list(process_file(filename))
with shelve.open(shelve_in, 'c') as db:
for key, wordlist in dct.items():
if not key in db:
db[key] = wordlist
edit: just a quick clarification: each list in dict is about 1-3 words long, shouldn't be too large
First -- yes, shelve's default pickle backend is slow and inefficient, and your best choice is to use something different.
Second -- you're making it worse by editing entries once they're there, rather than getting them into their final state in-memory before serializing them only once.
dct = anagrams_from_list(process_file(filename))
for key, wordlist in dct.items():
content = {}
for key, wordlist in dct.iteritems():
if not key in content:
content[key] = wordlist
for k, v in content.iteritems():
db[k] = v
If you want an efficient database, I'd look elsewhere. tokyocabinet, kyotocabinet, SQLite, BDB; the options are numerous.