I´ve tried to implement from the documentation of the magnific popup how to retrieve only a specific div from an ajax call (http://dimsemenov.com/plugins/magnific-popup/documentation.html#ajax_type), but my expected response did not work. I´ve found out, that there is a misspelling in the documentation for this: ParseAjax and AjaxContentAdded are written in small letters. In the code it´s written in upper camel case. But this did not solve my problem.
type: 'ajax',
ajax: {
cursor: 'mfp-ajax-cur'
tError: '<a href="%url%">The content</a> could not be loaded.'
callbacks: {
ParseAjax: function(mfpResponse) {
mfpResponse.data = $(mfpResponse.data).find('#mainContent');
console.log('Ajax content loaded:', mfpResponse.data);
AjaxContentAdded: function() {
// Ajax content is loaded and appended to DOM
Even my test did not appear in my console. Maybe somebody has a hint for my why I don´t get a response. The popup is opened correctly, but nothing is parsed. I´ve tried this one too:
ParseAjax: function (mfpResponse) {
mfpResponse.data = "<div class='wrapping'>" + mfpResponse.data + "</div>";
AjaxContentAdded: function () {
Unfortunately nothing happened too.
Documentation states correctly, callback name should start from small letter (e.g. parseAjax
Log in console what you get from $(mfpResponse.data).find('#mainContent')
. If #mainContent
is root element, use filter
instead of find