Running "! U1 getvar "allcv"" in the Zebra Setup Utilities app to see what my Zebra QLn220 printer's settings are, I see (among a googleplex of other things):
device.languages : hybrid_xml_zpl , Choices: zpl,line_print,hybrid_xml_zpl
AFAIK, the code I'm sending to the printer via my app is pure ZPL, not hybrid XML + ZPL.
The code works (usually), so would there be any benefit to changing this value via the Zebra Setup Utilities app like so:
! U1 setvar "device.languages" "zpl"
? Or am I just as well (or better) off to stick with the hybrid setting?
Those two settings are the same on that model if printer with the new architecture. The options are different for legacy reasons