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read coordinates from SQLite and create a MKPolygon

I found a lot of example but still I could not success to show a dynamically created MKPolygon on the MKMapView. I have a SQLite db which has coordinates for polygons. I want to read coordinates from db and then create a polygon. It should not be difficult.

First I'm reading the row then I calculate the number of coordinate in record (dbCount) then I'm creating an array like this :

CLLocationCoordinate2D *dbCoord = (CLLocationCoordinate2D *) malloc(sizeof(CLLocationCoordinate2D) * dbCount);

then in a for loop I'm filling coordinates into dbCoord array like this :

  for (something) {
    CLLocationCoordinate2D latLon; 
    latLon.latitude = latFromDb;
    latLon.longitude = lonFromDb;
    dbCoord[recCounter] = latLon;

but dbCoord array didn't contain all coordinates. recCounter is increasing each loop but there is only one item in this array.


  • finally I found it! the reason is definition of dbCoord

    I've added

    @property (nonatomic, readonly) CLLocationCoordinate2D *dbCoord;

    line into .h file and my code is working now