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Workaround for & and CRLF issue in Delphi XE4 with TXMLTransformProvider component

I know its going to be a repeating question but still asking again as no workaround worked for this problem. Let me explain the problem statement first and then I will also mention what I tried.


<Order><XMLversion>2</XMLversion><Info>*-first line
*-second line</Info></Order>

CRLF is there after "*-first line" statement.

I created XTR file corresponding to this XML using Delphi XE4 RAD Studio Tools --> XML Mapper utility. Following XTR file I got:

<XmlTransformation Version="1.0"><Transform Direction="ToCds"><SelectEach dest="DATAPACKET\ROWDATA\ROW" from="\Order"><Select dest="@XMLversion" from="\XMLversion"/><Select dest="@Info" from="\Info"/></SelectEach></Transform><XmlSchema RootName="Order"><![CDATA[<xs:schema xmlns:xs="">
  <element xmlns="" name="Order" type="OrderType"/>
  <complexType xmlns="" name="OrderType">
      <element name="XMLversion" type="XMLversionType"/>
      <element name="Info" type="InfoType"/>
  <element xmlns="" name="XMLversion" type="XMLversionType"/>
  <simpleType xmlns="" name="XMLversionType">
    <restriction base="xs:string"/>
  <element xmlns="" name="Info" type="InfoType"/>
  <simpleType xmlns="" name="InfoType">
    <restriction base="xs:string"/>
</xs:schema>]]></XmlSchema><CdsSkeleton/><XslTransform/><Skeleton><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0"?><DATAPACKET Version="2.0"><METADATA><FIELDS><FIELD attrname="XMLversion" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="1"/><FIELD attrname="Info" fieldtype="bin.hex" SUBTYPE="Text"/></FIELDS><PARAMS/></METADATA><ROWDATA/><METADATA><FIELDS><FIELD attrname="XMLversion" fieldtype="string" WIDTH="1"/><FIELD attrname="Info" fieldtype="bin.hex" SUBTYPE="Text"/></FIELDS><PARAMS/></METADATA><ROWDATA/></DATAPACKET>

Problem Statement:

In my dfm file, I put TXMLTransformProvider and Clientdataset. In TXMLTransformProvider, I have provided the path of XML and XTR files. ProviderName of TClientdataset is set to TXMLTransformProvider.

Following is my code to read "info" node from the XML.

procedure TfrmAmpersand.Issue;
  InfoNode : Variant;
    InfoNode := ClientDataset1.FieldByName('Info').AsVariant;
  except on e:exception do

There are two fields in XML: XMLVersion and Info. In Clientdataset, XMLVersion is TStringField while Info is of TMemoField.

ShowMessage(InfoNode), shows the message like this

*-first line&*-second line

While in case of Delphi 7, it works fine and shows message like this:

*-first line
*-second line

Following is my dropbox link where I have uploaded my sample project for this problem:

Please note, I have put hardcoded path for XML and XTR file in TXMLTransformProvider. So keep this project in D: drive or just change the path in TXMLTransformProvider.

Following is EDN link where I have asked same question but got no reply:

Workarounds I tried:

  1. Replace & with #13#10 after getting that node value.

    InfoNode := StringReplace(InfoNode, '&', #13#10, [rfReplaceAll]);

But this is not the right solution as info node can actually contain the & in database.

  1. I tried all Remy's solutions which he provided in my last question:

I hardcoded my XML as:

<Order><XMLversion>2</XMLversion><Info>*-first line&#13;&#10;*-second line</Info></Order>


<Order><XMLversion>2</XMLversion><Info>*-first line&#xD;&#xA;*-second line</Info></Order>

and also

<Order><XMLversion>2</XMLversion><Info><![CDATA[*-first line
*-second line]]></Info></Order>

Nothing worked. Everytime I am getting the same result which I mentioned above. The ampersand sign.

  1. Ken White's answer is also not working for me which he provided me in last question.

  2. @TLama - You suggested me in my previous question (sorry, but I have deleted that for some reason) that this is bug in TXMLTransformProvider and I should carry with Remy's solution. But now nothing is working. So what next steps should I take to solve this straight forward problem? Have you raised this bug with Embarcadero?

Please suggest me any workaround which can solve this issue?


  • I need to preface this answer by saying that unlike Remy or Ken, I am absolutely no expert at Unicode, and I'm not even sure that it's involved in your problem.

    However I've looked at the on-disk bytes that your XMLTransformProvider generates and compared it with what gets written to disk when you do a CDS.SaveToFile('Test.Xml', dfXML).

    It's evident that whereas a CDS saves a newline embedded in a DB memo field as:


    what the XMLTransformProvider produces for a similar newline is:


    So, my simple-minded suggested work-around is to wire in to your code where you open the XML datafile something like this, to load the CDS with XML in its own format:

      TransformNewLine = '&#xA;';
      CDSNewLine = '&#013;&#010;';
    function FixCdsXml(Input : String) : String;
      Result:= StringReplace(Input, TransformNewLine, CDSNewLine, [rfReplaceAll]);
    procedure TfrmAmpersand.TestFix;
      S : String;
      SS : TStringStream;
      S := XMLTransformProvider1.TransformRead.Data;
      S := FixCdsXml(S);
      SS := TStringStream.Create(S);
        SS.Position := 0;

    There don't seem to be any convenient events in TXMLTransformerProvider or its TXMLTransform sub-components to use as an opportunity to call TestFix automatically. However, it does seem to work ok if you call it in the CDS's AfterOpen event, provided you add a "FixingXML" boolean to your form to prevent re-entrancy and code the event like this:

    procedure TfrmAmpersand.ClientDataSet1AfterOpen(DataSet: TDataSet);
      if FixingXML then exit;
      FixingXML := True;
        FixingXML := False;

    I'm using XE6, btw.