I´ve tried to find the answer on my own but didn´t manage to get any results which could help me solve the problem. The reason for this is probably that I wasn´t able to articulate my question well enough to find the answer or didn´t realize I had the answer in front of me and wasn´t able to understand it.
Since in many of my google searches this site came up I thought after two days of searching I should register and ask the question myself.
I made an quick jsfiddle which basically solves my problem but the code is very repetitive and might be suitable for a couple elements it is going to blow up my site exponentially.
My jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/3Unhe/1/
The answer is probably simple but I have basically zero knowledge of javascript/jquery.
My idea to solve this better would be in plain english: if #id clicked remove class .selected from all .container id´s add class .selected to .container#id
<div class="titel1">titel</div>
<div class="foto1">foto</div>
<div class="name1">name</div>
<br />
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="titel">
selected titel
<br />
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="foto">
selected foto
<br />
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="name">
selected name
$('.titel').click(function () {
$('.foto').click(function () {
$('.name').click(function () {
.selected {
Any help is appreciated. Regardless if you completely solve it or provide a link/ideas to help me solve it on my own. I am not posting here because I am lazy but I wasn´t able to solve it and I have no idea how to better articulate my problem to find the answer on my own.
Even though I used jquery I am perfectly fine using javascript instead.
Thank you very much.
$('.titel1, .foto1, .name1').on("click",function(){
$("."+$(this).attr("class").substr(0, $(this).attr("class").length-1))
This will look for the elements with the same classname the clicked element has, but without it's last character.
F.e.: clicking on the element .titel1
add the "selected
" class to .titel
, and
remove the "selected
" class from it's siblings ( .foto
and .name