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Error : Parameter name not found, in Postgresql

I am working in with postgresql with devart dotconnect connection driver. When i am executing a parmeterized query it is showing error,

Parameter name not found

My code is below

Command = new Devart.Data.PostgreSql.PgSqlCommand();
Command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TestName", testmaster.TestName);
Command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TestShortName", testmaster.TestShortName);
DAF.Command.CommandText = @"Do $$
"+"Insert into \"TestMaster\"(\"TestName\", \"TestShortName\", \"RCUID\", \"RCDate\", \"RCTime\") " + @"
    "+"values (:TestName, :TestShortName, 0, CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIME(0)) " + @"
    "+"RETURNING \"TestID\" INTO newTestID;"+@"

// Rest is execution code

What i am making a mistake here ?

Edit : I got on which code this message is occurring, it is not on insert command it is on returning command.


  • Parameter name not found must be an error from the database driver. It's hard to be sure without the full exception trace, but at a guess I think that DevArt must require you to set the SQL text before attempting to set parameters.


    Command = new Devart.Data.PostgreSql.PgSqlCommand();
    Command.CommandText = "SELECT ...."; /* or whatever your SQL is */
    Command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TestName", testmaster.TestName);
    Command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TestShortName", testmaster.TestShortName);

    (I haven't used it, I'm just going by the examples in some of the docs, which while they refer to Oracle parameters seem much the same for the basics.)

    However, it's also possible that DevArt can't parse the DO block and $$ quoting. To confirm that, try:

    Command = new Devart.Data.PostgreSql.PgSqlCommand();
    Command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TestName", testmaster.TestName);
    Command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TestShortName", testmaster.TestShortName);
    Command.CommandText = "Insert into \"TestMaster\"(\"TestName\", \"TestShortName\", \"RCUID\", \"RCDate\", \"RCTime\") values (:TestName, :TestShortName, 0, CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIME(0)) RETURNING \"TestID\" INTO newTestID;";

    If this works, but the version in the DO block doesn't, then it's probably because DevArt can't parse the DO block or its $$ quoting to find parameters.

    You might need to use an SQL function instead (assuming you're trying to do more after the first statement, otherwise there'd be no point using a DO block at all). Then call the function in a separate statement. e.g. first execute this SQL without any parameters:

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION myfunc(testname text, testshortname text) returns void AS $$
        newTestID INT;
        INSERT into "TestMaster"("TestName", "TestShortName", "RCUID", "RCDate", "RCTime")
        VALUES (testname, testshortname, 0, CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIME(0))
        RETURNING TestID INTO newTestID;
        -- whatever you want to do with newTestID here

    then run another statement to call the function, like:

    Command = new Devart.Data.PostgreSql.PgSqlCommand();
    Command.CommandText = "SELECT myfunc(:TestName, :TestShortName)";
    Command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TestName", testmaster.TestName);
    Command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TestShortName", testmaster.TestShortName);

    to call it.

    There's no CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION so you'll have to DROP FUNCTION afterwards if you don't want to keep and re-use it.