There's a particular style of computation that comes up now and then, that I don't know how to nicely translate into map/filter/reduce. I'm wondering if there's a standard functional-style function to do it, or what a good name is.
Basically, you find yourself following directions while yielding things at each stop. Here's a C# function showing the general idea:
public static IEnumerable<TOut> streamAggregateMap<TDif, TAcc, TOut>(
this IEnumerable<TDif> difs,
TAcc seed,
Func<TAcc, TDif, TAcc> accumulator,
Func<TAcc, TDif, TOut> selector) {
var acc = seed;
foreach (var dif in difs) {
yield return selector(acc, dif);
acc = accumulator(acc, dif);
You can use it to trace down a tree while yielding values:
var vals = goLeftDirections.streamAggregateMap(
(node, goLeft) => goLeft ? node.left : node.right,
(node, goLeft) => node.value);
Or tell you the prime factorizations of numbers you get by iteratively multiplying by 2 and adding some offsets, except the factorizations are of numbers offset without multiplying by 2:
var factorizations = offsets.streamAggregateMap(
(total, offset) => total * 2 + offset,
(total, offset) => (total + offset).Factorize());
Is there a standard name for this "accumulate while yielding related values" functionality? A standard function to use?
MoreLINQ calls this operation Scan.