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Using Logparser.exe with .etl files - Cannot retrieve high resolution timestamp

I'm using logparser.exe ( to process a captured trace (in a .etl file). The output however is not proving the high resolution timestamp that I know is recorded in the .etl file.

The output is spitting out timestamps only up to the seconds (i.e. 2014-07-24 18:52:39)


  • Answered my own question:

    Logparser.exe by default formats the timestamps to exclude the milliseconds / nanoseconds. You have two options to view a higher resolution timestamp:

    1. Verbosely convert your specific fields using TO_STRING(Timestamp, 'HH:mm:ss.ln'). An example useage is below:

    c:>"c:\Program Files (x86)\Log Parser 2.2\LogParser.exe" -i:ETW -o:CSV "SELECT TO_STRING(Timestamp, 'HH:mm:ss.ln') AS Timestamp, EventTypeName FROM 'c:\PerfLogs\ASP\LocalSystem\20140724-000003\Verbose Trace.etl'" > verbose.csv

    2. Change all timestamp output regardless of which field using the -oTsFormat argument:

    c:>"c:\Program Files (x86)\Log Parser 2.2\LogParser.exe" -i:ETW -o:CSV -oTsFormat "HH:mm: ss.ln" "SELECT * FROM 'c:\PerfLogs\ASP\LocalSystem\20140724-000003\Verbose Trace.etl'" > verbose.csv

    Time Format Strings:

    More time format strings are listed here:

    • HH - Hour
    • mm - Minute
    • ss - seconds
    • l - milliseconds
    • n - nanoseconds