I'm looking for an algorithm(C/C++/Java - doesn't matter) which will resolve a problem which consists of finding the shortest path between 2 nodes (A and B) of a graph. The catch is that the path must visit certain other given nodes(cities). A city can be visited more than once. Example of path(A-H-D-C-E-F-G-F-B) (where A is source, B is destination, F and G are cities which must be visited).
I see this as a variation of the Traveling Salesman Problem but I couldn't find or write a working algorithm based on my searches.
I was trying to find a solution starting from these topics but without any luck: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24856875/tsp-branch-and-bound-implementation-in-c and Variation of TSP which visits multiple cities
An easy reduction of the problem to TSP would be:
that "must be visited", find the distance d(u,v)
between them. This can be done efficiently using Floyd-Warshall Algorithm to find all-to-all shortest path.