I am creating a website using Spring MVC and for persistence I am using Spring Data JPA with Hibernate 4 as my JPA provider. Validation is being handled at present with Hibernate Validator. I have a problem whereby my validators are being called twice and I can't figure out why. The main reason this is a problem is because the second time round, dependencies are not being autowired into the validator and I am getting a null pointer exception. The following is the sequence of calls leading up to the failure:
Can anyone shed light on why the validators are being called twice and in particular, why stepping over line 'userRepository.save(user);' goes back into these validators?
Many thanks
Here is my user.java class
package com.dating.domain;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.persistence.CascadeType;
import javax.persistence.Column;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.FetchType;
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
import javax.persistence.GenerationType;
import javax.persistence.Id;
import javax.persistence.JoinColumn;
import javax.persistence.JoinTable;
import javax.persistence.ManyToMany;
import javax.persistence.PrePersist;
import javax.persistence.PreUpdate;
import javax.persistence.Table;
import javax.persistence.Transient;
import javax.validation.constraints.Pattern;
import javax.validation.constraints.Size;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Type;
import org.hibernate.validator.constraints.Email;
import org.hibernate.validator.constraints.NotEmpty;
import org.joda.time.LocalDate;
import org.springframework.format.annotation.DateTimeFormat;
import com.dating.annotation.NotDefaultSelect;
import com.dating.annotation.UniqueUsername;
@Table(name = "dating.user")
public class User {
@Column(name = "id")
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
@Column(name = "username", unique = true)
@Pattern(regexp = "^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$")
private String username;
@Column(name = "password", nullable = false)
@Size(min = 8)
private String password;
@Column(name = "first_name", nullable = false)
private String firstName;
@Column(name = "last_name", nullable = false)
private String lastName;
private String fullName;
@Column(name = "email", nullable = false)
private String email;
@Column(name = "gender", nullable = false)
private String gender;
@Column(name = "date_of_birth", nullable = false)
@Type(type = "org.jadira.usertype.dateandtime.joda.PersistentLocalDate")
@DateTimeFormat(pattern = "dd/MM/yyyy")
private LocalDate dateOfBirth;
@Column(name = "join_date", nullable = false)
@Type(type = "org.jadira.usertype.dateandtime.joda.PersistentLocalDate")
private LocalDate joinDate;
@Column(name = "where_did_you_hear_about_us", nullable = false)
private String whereDidYouHearAboutUs;
@Column(name = "enabled")
private boolean enabled;
@ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
@JoinTable(name = "dating.user_roles", joinColumns = { @JoinColumn(name = "user_id", nullable = false, updatable = false) }, inverseJoinColumns = { @JoinColumn(name = "role_id", nullable = false, updatable = false) })
private Set<Role> roles = new HashSet<Role>();
@Column(name = "created_time", nullable = false)
@Type(type = "org.jadira.usertype.dateandtime.joda.PersistentLocalDate")
private LocalDate createdTime;
@Column(name = "modification_time", nullable = false)
@Type(type = "org.jadira.usertype.dateandtime.joda.PersistentLocalDate")
private LocalDate modificationTime;
public Long getId() {
return id;
public void setId(Long id) {
this.id = id;
public String getUsername() {
return username;
public void setUsername(String username) {
this.username = username;
public String getPassword() {
return password;
public void setPassword(String password) {
this.password = password;
public String getFirstName() {
return firstName;
public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
this.firstName = firstName;
public String getLastName() {
return lastName;
public void setLastName(String lastName) {
this.lastName = lastName;
public String getFullName() {
return firstName + " " + lastName;
public void setFullName(String fullName) {
this.fullName = fullName;
public String getEmail() {
return email;
public void setEmail(String email) {
this.email = email;
public String getGender() {
return gender;
public void setGender(String gender) {
this.gender = gender;
public LocalDate getDateOfBirth() {
return dateOfBirth;
public void setDateOfBirth(LocalDate dateOfBirth) {
this.dateOfBirth = dateOfBirth;
public LocalDate getJoinDate() {
return joinDate;
public void setJoinDate(LocalDate joinDate) {
this.joinDate = joinDate;
public String getWhereDidYouHearAboutUs() {
return whereDidYouHearAboutUs;
public void setWhereDidYouHearAboutUs(String whereDidYouHearAboutUs) {
this.whereDidYouHearAboutUs = whereDidYouHearAboutUs;
public boolean isEnabled() {
return enabled;
public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) {
this.enabled = enabled;
public Set<Role> getRoles() {
return roles;
public void setRoles(Set<Role> roles) {
this.roles = roles;
public void addRole(Role role) {
public LocalDate getCreatedTime() {
return createdTime;
public void setCreatedTime(LocalDate createdTime) {
this.createdTime = createdTime;
public LocalDate getModificationTime() {
return modificationTime;
public void setModificationTime(LocalDate modificationTime) {
this.modificationTime = modificationTime;
public void preUpdate() {
modificationTime = new LocalDate();
public void prePersist() {
LocalDate now = new LocalDate();
createdTime = now;
modificationTime = now;
The relevant method in my registration controller:
@RequestMapping(value = "/register", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String addUserFromForm(@Valid User user,
BindingResult bindingResult, RedirectAttributes ra) {
if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
return "user/register";
// Redirecting to avoid duplicate submission of the form
return "redirect:/user/" + user.getUsername();
My service class:
package com.dating.service.impl;
import javax.transaction.Transactional;
import org.joda.time.LocalDate;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.security.crypto.bcrypt.BCryptPasswordEncoder;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import com.dating.domain.Role;
import com.dating.domain.User;
import com.dating.repository.RoleRepository;
import com.dating.repository.UserRepository;
import com.dating.repository.specification.UserSpecifications;
import com.dating.service.UserService;
public class UserServiceImpl implements UserService {
private UserRepository userRepository;
private RoleRepository roleRepository;
public void addUser(User user) {
user.setJoinDate(new LocalDate());
Role role = roleRepository.findByName(Role.MEMBER);
if (role == null) {
role = new Role();
BCryptPasswordEncoder encoder = new BCryptPasswordEncoder();
System.out.println("User Saved");
public User getUserByUsername(String username) {
return userRepository.findByUsername(username);
public Iterable<User> getAllUsers() {
return userRepository.findAll();
public void updateDetails(User user) {
public Iterable<User> lastNameIsLike(String searchTerm) {
return userRepository.findAll(UserSpecifications
My NotDefaultSelect validator:
package com.dating.validator;
import javax.validation.ConstraintValidator;
import javax.validation.ConstraintValidatorContext;
import com.dating.annotation.NotDefaultSelect;
public class NotDefaultSelectValidator implements
ConstraintValidator<NotDefaultSelect, String> {
public void initialize(NotDefaultSelect constraint) {
public boolean isValid(String selectedValue, ConstraintValidatorContext ctx) {
if (selectedValue == null) {
return false;
if (selectedValue.equals("") || selectedValue.equals("0")
|| selectedValue.equalsIgnoreCase("default")
|| selectedValue.equalsIgnoreCase("please select")) {
return false;
return true;
My uniqueUsername validator:
package com.dating.validator;
import javax.validation.ConstraintValidator;
import javax.validation.ConstraintValidatorContext;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import com.dating.annotation.UniqueUsername;
import com.dating.repository.UserRepository;
public class UniqueUsernameValidator implements
ConstraintValidator<UniqueUsername, String> {
private UserRepository userRepository;
public void initialize(UniqueUsername constraint) {
public boolean isValid(String username, ConstraintValidatorContext ctx) {
if (username == null || userRepository.findByUsername(username) == null) {
return true;
return false;
My UserRepository:
package com.dating.repository;
import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.JpaSpecificationExecutor;
import org.springframework.data.repository.CrudRepository;
import com.dating.domain.User;
//Spring Data JPA Marker interfaces being extended for automatic CRUD repository creation
public interface UserRepository extends CrudRepository<User, Long>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<User> {
//Automatic query creation from method name
public User findByUsername(String username);
Lastly my persistence-context.xml file
<!-- Data source properties -->
<util:properties id="dataSourceSettings" location="classpath:datasource.properties" />
<!-- Pooled data source using BoneCP -->
<bean id="dataSource" class="com.jolbox.bonecp.BoneCPDataSource"
<property name="driverClass" value="#{dataSourceSettings['jdbc.driverClass']}" />
<property name="jdbcUrl" value="#{dataSourceSettings['jdbc.url']}" />
<property name="username" value="#{dataSourceSettings['jdbc.username']}" />
<property name="password" value="#{dataSourceSettings['jdbc.password']}" />
<property name="idleConnectionTestPeriodInMinutes" value="60" />
<property name="idleMaxAgeInMinutes" value="240" />
<property name="maxConnectionsPerPartition" value="30" />
<property name="minConnectionsPerPartition" value="10" />
<property name="partitionCount" value="3" />
<property name="acquireIncrement" value="5" />
<property name="statementsCacheSize" value="100" />
<property name="releaseHelperThreads" value="3" />
<!-- JPA entity manager factory bean -->
<bean id="entityManagerFactory"
<property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
<property name="packagesToScan" value="com.dating.domain" />
<property name="jpaVendorAdapter">
<bean class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor.HibernateJpaVendorAdapter" />
<property name="jpaProperties">
<prop key="hibernate.dialect">#{dataSourceSettings['hibernate.dialect']}</prop>
<prop key="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto">#{dataSourceSettings['hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto']}
<prop key="hibernate.show_sql">#{dataSourceSettings['hibernate.show_sql']}</prop>
<prop key="hibernate.format_sql">#{dataSourceSettings['hibernate.format_sql']}</prop>
<prop key="hibernate.use_sql_comments">#{dataSourceSettings['hibernate.use_sql_comments']}
<tx:annotation-driven transaction-manager="transactionManager" />
<bean id="transactionManager" class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaTransactionManager">
<property name="entityManagerFactory" ref="entityManagerFactory" />
<context:annotation-config />
<jpa:repositories base-package="com.dating.repository"/>
Maybe the second validation is done by hibernate when you are sending your bean to the datastore. To turn it off add this to your persistence.xml:
<property name="javax.persistence.validation.mode" value="none"/>
https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/entitymanager/3.5/reference/en/html/configuration.html says:
By default, Bean Validation (and Hibernate Validator) is activated. When an entity is created, updated (and optionally deleted), it is validated before being sent to the database. The database schema generated by Hibernate also reflects the constraints declared on the entity.
You can fine-tune that if needed:
AUTO: if Bean Validation is present in the classpath, CALLBACK and DDL are activated.
CALLBACK: entities are validated on creation, update and deletion. If no Bean Validation provider is present, an exception is raised at initialization time.
DDL: (not standard, see below) database schemas are entities are validated on creation, update and deletion. If no Bean Validation provider is present, an exception is raised at initialization time.
NONE: Bean Validation is not used at all
The first one is obviously done by your Spring controller because of @Valid annotation.