I have attached icons to taxonomy terms and referenced the term in the node:
is the field on the taxonomy term. field_accreditation
is the field on the node.
Placing this in node.tpl.php displays the correct icon:
$term = taxonomy_term_load($node->field_accreditation['und'][0]['tid']);
$result = field_view_field('taxonomy_term',$term,'field_accreditation_icon');
echo render($result);
How would I render the icon as the ImageCache preset 'medium'?
Thank you!
You need to get the uri for that image then create image url with theme,
// $img_uri will be the image uri value getting from database
print '<img src="'.image_style_url("medium", $img_uri).'" />';
image uri can be get by using taxonomy_term_load($tid);