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JavaBridge don't open php (Could not connect to server)

I'm trying to run php on Apache Tomcat/7.0.42 using JavaBridgeTemplate621.

But when I go to the localhost:8080/JavaBridgeTemplate621/index.php I saw this:

HTTP Status 500 - Could not connect to server

OS is Ubuntu. PHP Version 5.5.3-1ubuntu2.6. PHP is working: phpinfo() function shows my PHP config (localhost/test.php)

How can I fix it?

P.S. I heard that I must put php-cgi to the /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/JavaBridgeTemplate621/WEB-INF/cgi/i386-linux. Where can I take it?


  • I have fix it by myself :)

    This method was very useful, problem has gone.