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quickbooks apis without a browser

Primary question:

Is there any (supported/non-hacky) way to use Quickbooks Online and Customer Account Data APIs without involving a browser at all, i.e. making an API request from a server?


The IPP docs only mention saml and 3-legged oauth, which seems to imply that any authentication and subsequent api calls must come from a browser.

Note that this is not satisfactorily answered by this:

How can I use API to get quickbooks data without browser based OAUTH?

, as that answer:

  1. is not by Intuit and does not point to an Intuit source
  2. suggests a hacky solution: a user/browser authenticates, after which the oauth/etc. credentials are stored and reused. This seems like a particularly bad idea for long-term use unless explicitly approved by Intuit, due to the fact that the apis may (and probably will) expire any oauth/saml tokens at some point.


  • No, to get accessToken and accessSecret you need to use a browser.

    As you have mentioned, your 2nd option is the only way to achieve this. i.e reusing stored tokens.

    PN - OAuth tokens are valid for 180 days. Before the token expires, your app can obtain a new token to provide uninterrupted service by calling the Reconnect API. You can automate this part by writing a small program which will call ReconnectAPI when tokens are older than 150 days.

    Ref - Manage OAuth Tokens

    You can generate OAuth tokens(for the very first time) from here - IPP OAuth Playground

    CAD Here, OAuth tokens are valid for 1 hour. After an hour, your application will have to issue another SAML assertion again to request a new OAuth token to use. The token should only be persisted during your user's session, and then destroyed.

    Ref - CAD SAML
