I want to create a start menu or Desktop shortcut for my Python windows installer package. I am trying to follow https://docs.python.org/3.4/distutils/builtdist.html#the-postinstallation-script
Here is my script;
import sys
from os.path import dirname, join, expanduser
pyw_executable = sys.executable.replace('python.exe','pythonw.exe')
script_file = join(dirname(pyw_executable), 'Scripts', 'tklsystem-script.py')
w_dir = expanduser(join('~','lsf_files'))
if sys.argv[1] == '-install':
print('Creating Shortcut')
description='A program to work with L-System Equations',
filename='L-System Tool',
I also specified this script in scripts setup option, as indicated by aforementioned docs.
Here is the command I use to create my installer;
python setup.py bdist_wininst --install-script tklsystem-post-install.py
After I install my package using created windows installer, I can't find where my shorcut is created, nor I can confirm whether my script run or not?
How can I make setuptools generated windows installer to create desktop or start menu shortcuts?
If you want to confirm whether the script is running or not, you can print to a file instead of the console. Looks like text you print to console in the post-install script won't show up.
Try this:
import sys
from os.path import expanduser, join
pyw_executable = join(sys.prefix, "pythonw.exe")
shortcut_filename = "L-System Toolsss.lnk"
working_dir = expanduser(join('~','lsf_files'))
script_path = join(sys.prefix, "Scripts", "tklsystem-script.py")
if sys.argv[1] == '-install':
# Log output to a file (for test)
f = open(r"C:\test.txt",'w')
print('Creating Shortcut', file=f)
# Get paths to the desktop and start menu
desktop_path = get_special_folder_path("CSIDL_COMMON_DESKTOPDIRECTORY")
startmenu_path = get_special_folder_path("CSIDL_COMMON_STARTMENU")
# Create shortcuts.
for path in [desktop_path, startmenu_path]:
"A program to work with L-System Equations",
join(path, shortcut_filename),