I'm using asciidoc with a guard file descibed here.
Given the asciidoctor options: asciidoctor -a icons -a iconsdir /foo -a copycss bar.adoc
I want to add those options to the guard file. But I don't know how.
The guard file currently looks like:
require 'asciidoctor'
require 'erb'
guard 'shell' do
watch(/^ble\.adoc$/) {|m|
Asciidoctor.render_file(m[0], :in_place => true, :backend => 'html5')
guard 'livereload' do
Attributes are just options, essentially you could add an :attributes key to the options you have there and make that another hash:
Asciidoctor.render_file(m[0], :in_place => true, :backend => 'html5', :attributes => { :icons => true, :copycss => true })
That should work just fine