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PHP System Daemon PCNTL error ... but PCNTL is installed

I have taken over a project and im trying to get it working on my server....though I seem to be having the following problem with the System Daemon (code below)

I have pcntl installed:

php -i |grep pcnt
pcntl support => enabled

So not sure why I am getting this error. Can anyone see anything I am doing wrong?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


queue.php (browser)

#!/usr/bin/php -q 

Fatal error: Uncaught System_Daemon_Exception:

PHP is compiled without --enable-pcntl directive in 
/home/***/public_html/videoenc/scripts/tools/videoserver/queue.php on line 66 

Exception trace # Function Location 0 System_Daemon::start()

1 {main

thrown in /usr/local/lib/php/System/Daemon.php on line 551

queue.php (code)

#!/usr/bin/php -q

<? @set_time_limit(0);

define("DB_FORCE_USE_RW_SERVER", 1);

require_once(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../"));

require_once "System/Daemon.php";

// Allowed arguments and their defaults
$runmode = array(
    'no-daemon' => false,
    'help' => false,
    'write-initd' => false,

if(gettype($argv) != 'NULL')
    foreach ($argv as $k => $arg)
        if (substr($arg, 0, 2) == '--' && isset($runmode[substr($arg, 2)]))
            $runmode[substr($arg, 2)] = true;


// Help mode. Shows allowed arguments.
if ($runmode['help'] == true)
    echo 'Usage: ' . $argv[0] . "' [runmode]\n";
    echo "Available runmodes:\n";

    foreach ($runmode as $runmod => $val)
       echo ' --'. $runmod . "\n";


// Setup
$options = array(
    'appName' => 'videoenc-queue',
    'appDir' => dirname(__FILE__),
    'appDescription' => 'Manages the video encoding queue.',
    'authorName' => 'Dave',
    'authorEmail' => 'dave@***',
    'sysMaxExecutionTime' => '0',
    'sysMaxInputTime' => '0',
    'sysMemoryLimit' => '1024M',
    'appRunAsGID' => 2000,
    'appRunAsUID' => 2000,
    'appPidLocation' => '/home/***/public_html/videoenc/daemon/run/videoenc-queue/',
    'logLocation' => '/home/***/public_html/videoenc/daemon/log/videoenc-queue.log'


// This program can also be run in the foreground with runmode --no-daemon

if (!$runmode['no-daemon'])
    // Spawn Daemon


  • The PHP System_Daemon package can only be used in a command-line script. It cannot be used in scripts run from a web server, which appears to be how you're trying to use it here.