I have a function that after 3000 seconds call other function to check new data for a grid.
onViewDestroy: function(view) {
console.log('view destroy');
var me = this;
if(me.timer) clearTimeout(me.timer);
afterRender: function(){
// start timer to load log grid in 3 secs
me.logTimer = setTimeout(Ext.bind(me.checkProcessLog, me), 3000);
checkProcessLog: function() {
console.log('check process log');
var me = this,
requestGrid = me.getRequestGrid(),
logGrid = me.getProcessLog(),
logStore = logGrid.getStore();
var selectedRecord = requestGrid.getSelectionModel().getSelection()[0];
// if the grid is expanded and the status of the process is pending or in progress
if (!logGrid.collapsed && (selectedRecord.get('Status') == 0 || selectedRecord.get('Status') == 1)) {
callback: function(records, op, success) {
if (success) {
// start timer to load again log grid in 3 secs
me.logTimer = setTimeout(Ext.bind(me.checkProcessLog, me), 3000);
The problem that I have is that if I close my view (destroy) when the function has been called then all my variables such:
requestGrid = me.getRequestGrid(),
logGrid = me.getProcessLog(),
logStore = logGrid.getStore();
I get the error:
Cannot read property 'getStore' of undefined
And that make sense because the view has been destroyed. Any workaround to avoid this?
A simple check will do it :
requestGrid = me.getRequestGrid(),
logGrid = me.getProcessLog();
if(!logGrid) return false
logStore = logGrid.getStore();
This also will stop the function beeing called.