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Gradle plugin project version number

I have a gradle plugin that uses the project.version variable.

How ever, the version in the plugin does not update when I change the version in the build.gradle file.

To illustrate:


// my-plugin
void apply(Project project) {
  project.tasks.create(name: 'printVersionFromPlugin') {
    println project.version


version '1.0.1' // used to be 1.0.0

task printVersion {
  println project.version

apply plugin: 'my-plugin'


> gradle printVersion
> gradle printVersionFromPlugin


  • Both the build script and the plugin make the same mistake. They print the version as part of configuring the task, rather than giving the task a behavior (task action). If the plugin is applied before the version is set in the build script (which is normally the case), it will print the previous value of the version property (perhaps one is set in

    Correct task declaration:

    task printVersion {
        // any code that goes here is part of configuring the task
        // this code will always get run, even if the task is not executed
        doLast { // add a task action
            // any code that goes here is part of executing the task
            // this code will only get run if and when the task gets executed
            println project.version

    Same for the plugin's task.