I have to prepare functional documentation for objective-c class methods like below example.
@function getEmployeeDetails
@abstract getEmployeeDetails
@discussion This function will fetch employee details based on employee id
@param strEmpId
employee unique id
@result an Array of Employee
-(void)getEmployeeDetails :(nsstring *)strEmpId{
I referred to HeaderDoc User Guide in the below link and got idea how to prepare manually
Is there any short cut keys for functional documents?
You can use VVDocumenter :
Writing document is so important for developing, but it is really painful with Xcode. Think about how much time you are wasting in pressing '*' or '/', and typing the parameters again and again. Now, you can find the method (or any code) you want to document to, and type in ///, the document will be generated for you and all params and return will be extracted into a Javadoc style, which is compatible with appledoc, Doxygen and HeaderDoc. You can just fill the inline placeholder tokens to finish your document.
After running the project with Xcode, in any project, you can generate the documentation by typing "///" (you can change this string in the settings) :