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Kunena forum shortcut not displayed correctly in joomla horizontal menu

I try to add a kunena (a popular joomla forum extension) shortcut in joomla horizontal menu (protostar template/position-1).

Kunena automatically created a menu entry during installation.

enter image description here

Kunena top url is <host>/index.php/forum. And this url seems fishy to me already (the index.php part).

I have 2 items in main menu (the horizontal menu) : "accueil" (home in french) and "forum".

enter image description here

When I select "accueil", the menu item is highlighted.

enter image description here

But when I select "forum", the menu item is not hightlighted

enter image description here

My questions:

  • What did I do wrong to have my menu item not highlighted? (if I add a random internal link in horizontal menu, <host>/index.php/2014-07-24-14-11-04 for example, it is highlighted correctly)
  • Is it a normal behavior to get an "index.php" in the middle of the url?


  • The highlight issue seem to be more css problem and not joomla. If you move the kunena button from the subcategory to the top menu does it get highlighted?

    As for index.php you have to rename htaccess.txt to .htaccess to your ftp directory and enable sef url from joomla global configuration:

    System -> Global configuration -> Search Engine Friendly URLs

    System -> Global configuration -> Use URL rewriting