I know I can use:
myPopup.showAtLocation(layout, Gravity.NO_GRAVITY, x, y);
// OR
myPopup.showAtLocation(layout, Gravity.TOP|Gravity.LEFT, x, y);
To open a PopupWindow that's drawn from [x, y] as the Top-Left of the PopupWindow, drawn towards to Bottom-Right.
What I want instead however, is to draw from [x, y] as the Top-Right of the PopupWindow, drawn towards the Bottom-Left.
Here is a picture to make it more clear (The dot is my [x, y] position and the rectangle is my PopupWindow. The first picture shows how it's normally done, and the second is what I want to achieve.):
So how do I correctly calculate the x and y of the second picture's gray point's location, while knowing the black point's location? I know the y can stay the same, but the x should be changed to something like:
The problem is that the PopupWindow's width and height are both set to wrap_content
, so I don't know the size until after I draw it.
Does this mean I have to draw it (but make it invisible at first), then calculate the new x with the PopupWindow's MeasuredWidth in it's ViewTreeObserver's OnGlobalLayoutListener (to know when it's done rendering and the MeasuredWidth is known), then apply this new x and then make it Visible? Or is there an easier way to just let it draw at the correct position?
PS: I've also changed Gravity.NO_GRAVITY
to Gravity.TOP|Gravity.RIGHT
, if the PopupWindow is out of the screen it will automatically place it at the border of the Right/Top side (whichever side it's out of the screen).
You could get the size of your popup window by overriding the onMeasure method of the popup window (note that you have to subclass a View in order to do this). After that, you can calculate the offset of the x and y coordinates. Hope this helps.