I have tried various Title Case solutions from here and they give me an 0
in the column. I have to change the LEN
to get it to run. If I strip the statement down to its 2 parts it works.
UPDATE names
surname = UPPER(LEFT(surname, 1)) +
LOWER(RIGHT(surname, LENGTH(surname) - 1));
update names
set surname = upper(substring(surname,1,1)) +
lower(substring(surname, 2, length(surname)-1))
where length(surname) > 0 ;
If you use MySql you must use function CONCAT, to concatenate two strings.
In this way:
update names
set surname = concat(upper(substring(surname,1,1)),
lower(substring(surname, 2, length(surname)-1)))
where length(surname) > 0 ;
It's good use WHERE
condition so you prevent possible nullable field
N.B. Your result is 0 because DBMS tries to sum two number (implicit conversion by your string, so you'll get 0 instead your result).