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Getting DB2 SQL Error while firing a select query using Worklight 6.1.0?

I am trying to connect to DB2 in my local LAN using worklight 6.1.0 and firing a Select Query for lookup of data if exist. But i am getting below error:

       "errors": [
          "Runtime: DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-204, SQLSTATE=42704, SQLERRMC=DATABASE_NAME.REGISTRATION, DRIVER=3.58.82.\nPerformed query:\nSELECT * FROM DATABASE_NAME.registration where DATABASE_NAME.registration.Mob_No = ?"
       "info": [
       "isSuccessful": false,
       "warnings": [

My SQL adapter configuration looks like below:

<connectionPolicy xsi:type="sql:SQLConnectionPolicy">
            <!-- Example for using a JNDI data source, replace with actual data source name -->
            <!-- <dataSourceJNDIName>java:/data-source-jndi-name</dataSourceJNDIName> -->

            <!-- Example for using MySQL connector, do not forget to put the MySQL connector library in the project's lib folder -->

And js file which has procedure looks like:

var selectStatement1 = "SELECT * FROM DATABASE_NAME.registration where DATABASE_NAME.registration.Mob_No = ?";
var procStmt1 = WL.Server.createSQLStatement(selectStatement1);

function registrationLookup(mobile){

WL.Logger.debug("Inside registrationLookup");

return WL.Server.invokeSQLStatement(
            preparedStatement : procStmt1,
            parameters : [mobile]

I did some Research about connecting DB2 with Worklight and came to know that i need to put below data in file.


But after adding it, i am not able to deploy Adapter and error says 'db2admin' does not exist. So i have skipped this step in the context of current question. But after going through error which i am getting without adding this data it seems to me that 'Object doesn't exist' as per or user table does not exist. Any suggestion would be helpful. NOTE:

  1. My IP address is from where i am invoking Adapter for DB2.
  2. DB2 instance is running on @ 50000.
  3. Already Added db2jcc_license_cu_9.5.jar & db2jcc_9.5.jar in server/lib. It had name appended with '_9.5' which i have removed from both jar and kept only db2jcc_license_cu.jar and db2jcc.jar.


  • Got Answer to my own Question and its really interesting one. Thanks to [Glen Misquith]

    Problem was with SQL Query framing which is Different what i did with MYSQL.

    Adapter's Java Script file:

    var selectStatement4 = "UPDATE \"LARSEN\".\"registration\" SET \"LARSEN\".\"registration\".\"Pass\"=?, \"LARSEN\".\"registration\".\"Re_Pass\"=? WHERE \"User_Name\" = ?";
    var procStmt5 = WL.Server.createSQLStatement(selectStatement4);
    function updatePassword(username,pass,repass){
    WL.Logger.debug("Inside updatePassword "+username+" "+pass+" "+repass);
    return WL.Server.invokeSQLStatement(
                preparedStatement : procStmt5,
                parameters : [pass,repass,username]

    This is quite a Strange thing Slashes need to be used in SQL Statement while Preparing it. I would really like to understand this behavior of DB2. And also i cant directly write 'Select * from schema.table_name' and precisely write column name from which data needs to be fetched.