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Using ButterKnife library with 2 different views in 1 fragment

I'm currently trying to use the ButterKnife library for Android to handle some boilerplate code (

I've got it set up, and got it semi-working, but i've run into a problem i can't fix :/

I have a Fragment which contains 1 single ListView element, and to this ListView i'm attaching a footer view which contains several elements.

This is a code snippet from my fragment using the library:

public class UsersFragment extends Fragment {
    @InjectView( AutoUpdatingListView list;

    private View footerView;
    @InjectView( BootstrapEditText firstnameEditText;
    @InjectView( BootstrapEditText middlenameEditText;
    @InjectView( BootstrapEditText lastnameEditText;
    @InjectView( BootstrapButton cancelButton;
    @InjectView( BootstrapButton okayButton;
    @InjectView( BootstrapCircleThumbnail facebookButton;
    @InjectView( BootstrapCircleThumbnail googlePlusButton;
    @InjectView( BootstrapCircleThumbnail twitterButton;
    @InjectView( BootstrapCircleThumbnail linkedInButton;

public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    View rootView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.user_fragment, container, false);
    footerView = ((LayoutInflater) getActivity().getSystemService(Activity.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE)).inflate(R.layout.add_user_footer_view, null, false);

    ButterKnife.inject(this, rootView);


The above code does NOT work, as i can only inject with 1 view, and if i try with both of them (2x inject's), the second inject overrides the first one, leaving me with null values.

I can't seem to specify which view contains which elements like i can with the regular findViewById().

To clarify, this is my non-ButterKnife code (which works 100%):

    list = (AutoUpdatingListView) rootView.findViewById(;
    firstnameEditText = (BootstrapEditText) footerView.findViewById(;
    middlenameEditText = (BootstrapEditText) footerView.findViewById(;
    lastnameEditText = (BootstrapEditText) footerView.findViewById(;

As you can see above, i can specify either "rootView" or "footerView" as the target of the findViewById.

Anyone able to help out with this issue? As it's driving me nuts at the moment..


  • The simple solution is to put all your footer views in a view holder class and then perform the injections on different objects, while keeping the footer views easily accessible within the fragment.

    @InjectView( AutoUpdatingListView list;
    private View footerView;
    public class FooterViewHolder {
        @InjectView( BootstrapEditText firstnameEditText;
        @InjectView( BootstrapEditText middlenameEditText;
        @InjectView( BootstrapEditText lastnameEditText;
        @InjectView( BootstrapButton cancelButton;
        @InjectView( BootstrapButton okayButton;
        @InjectView( BootstrapCircleThumbnail facebookButton;
        @InjectView( BootstrapCircleThumbnail googlePlusButton;
        @InjectView( BootstrapCircleThumbnail twitterButton;
        @InjectView( BootstrapCircleThumbnail linkedInButton;
    private FooterViewHolder footerViewHolder;
    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        View rootView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.user_fragment, container, false);
        footerView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.add_user_footer_view, container, false);
        footerViewHolder = new FooterViewHolder();
        ButterKnife.inject(this, rootView);
        ButterKnife.inject(footerViewHolder, footerView);
        return rootView;

    BTW, it's considered bad practice to inflate views with a null parent.