So I have two lists called A and C that each have the same amount of data points stored in them. I have created a new list called E that contains values in C that are greater than 400.
I need to make a plot of E vs. A My question is how do I get the corresponding values that I gained from creating E from the list A so that I can make a plot?
Is there a way to grab the data from A that corresponds with E which might make a new list I could plot? Thanks.
The data I am using is quite a large list, but here is an example:
96.54, 92.10, 236.69, 23.67
26.26, 17.36, 457.55, 45.76
96.15, 52.22, 369.31, 36.93
53.23, 56.85, 630.77, 63.08
82.48, 97.64, 198.24, 19.82
I have removed the headers and created four lists for each data column: A for the xpos, B for the ypos, C for measurement, and D for error.
C, or measurement is the data set that I edited to be E which has values over 400. I want to get the values from A (xpos) that match up across the row from the values over 400 in C (or measurement).
I am trying to plot in iPython notebook the list I got from E vs. the corresponding values in A.
I would do this by zip
ing A and C together before calculating E:
E_pairs = [pair for pair in zip(A, C) if pair[1] > 400]
That will give you a list of tuples of A and C values where C is over 400.