I'm writing a GPGPU Fluid simulation, which runs using C++/OpenGL/Cg. At the moment, the library requires that the user specify a path to the shaders, which is will then read it from.
I'm finding it extremely annoying to have to specify that in my own projects and testing, so I want to make the shader contents linked in with the rest.
Ideally, my .cg files would still be browsable seperately, but a post-build step or pre-processor directive would include it in the source when required.
To make things slightly more annoying, I have a "utils" shader file, which contains functions that are shared among things (like converting 3d texture coords to the 2d atlas equivalent).
I'd like a solution that's cross platform if possible, but it's not so big a deal, as it is currently windows-only. My searches have only really turned up objcopy
for linux, but using that for windows is less than ideal.
If it helps, the project is available at http://code.google.com/p/fluidic
You mean you want the shaders embedded as strings in your binary? I'm not aware of any cross-platform tools/libraries to do that, which isn't that surprising because the binaries will be different formats.
For Windows it sounds like you want to store them as a string resource. You can then read the string using LoadString()
. Here's how to add them, but it doesn't look like you can link them to a file.
A particularly hacky but cross-platform solution might be to write a script to convert your shaders into a string constant in a header. Then you can just #include
it in your code.
I.e. you have the file myshader.shader
which contains:
int aFunction(int i, int j)
return i/j;
And you have a build step that creates the file myshader.shader.h
which looks like:
const char[] MYSHADER_SHADER =
"int aFunction(int i, int j)"
" return i/j;"
Then add #include "myshader.shader.h"
to your code.
Very hacky, but I see no reason why it wouldn't work (except for maybe length/space limits on string literals).
Update: With the release of G++ 4.5 it supports C++0x raw string literals. These can contain new lines 4. I haven't tested it but you should be able to do something like this:
const char[] MY_SHADER = R"qazwsx[
#include "my_shader.c"
I haven't tested it though.