I've been wondering on how to resolve that problem - but so far it has just left me with a smoking head.
I'm using ransack and kaminari in combination with ajax create, update and delete modals. There is only an index page with a large, paginated list of entries (in my case questions).
Now if there is no filter and no pagination applied all works fine. But when, for example, I switch to page two and edit an entry the list of questions is refreshed with the first page content. The same of course happens on any filtered result or a combination of both.
Here's part of the source:
Code used in before_action on index, create, update, destroy actions in QuestionsController:
def find_questions
@q = Question(params[:q])
@questions = @q.result(distinct: true).order('created_at DESC').page(params[:p])
_save.js.erb partial which is rendered by create, update and destroy actions:
$("#index").html("<%= escape_javascript(render partial: 'questions_index') %>")
The questions_index partial:
-if @questions.empty?
-@questions.each do |q|
=link_to t('ui_commands.show'), question_path(q)
=link_to t('ui_commands.edit'), edit_question_path(q), remote: true
=link_to t('ui_commands.delete'), delete_question_path(q), remote: true
The filtering and pagination itself are not "ajaxified" - they are are represented in the params.
I know the solution to my problem but a can't get around solving it:-(
I know I have to somehow pass the params (in my case "p" and "q") to the create, update and destroy actions. But can I do that?
I hope that was enough elaborate for anyone to offer me help. It's greatly appreciated.
Edit: Code used in _form partial
=form_for @question, remote: true do |f|
=f.submit class: 'btn btn-primary'
You should be able to pass the current params into the path helper:
=link_to t('ui_commands.show'), question_path(q, params)
This will add the current query string params to the end of the path.
If you need to call the path helper with a hash, for example:
question_path(id: 6)
you can merge the params in. This also allows you to transform the querystring parameters if you need to.
question_path(params.merge({ id: 6 }))
question_path(params.merge({ id: 6, p: params[:p] + 1 }))
question_path(q, params.merge({ p: params[:p] - 1 }))
Responding to your edit regarding passing parameters through a form_for using a resource, try adding hidden fields to the form:
=hidden_field_tag :p, params[:p]
=hidden_field_tag :q, params[:q]