I want to include my mysql connection from the same file(in case I have to change sql password or anything I don't want to change in a many files).
Here is my mysql.js file:
module.exports = require('mysql').createConnection(
host : 'localhost',
user : 'admin',
password : 'xxxxxxxx',
database : 'database'
and I want to use like this:
var connection = require(__dirname + '/../../../mysql');
My problem is it's working only once. When I start the server I can query without any issues, but in the second query I got the following error message in the console:
"Cannot enqueue Handshake after invoking quit."
Does anybody has an idea why not working?
Thanks the help, but I found a solution for my problem. I just created the variables on my mysql.js file then I exported them like this:
var host = 'localhost';
module.exports.localhost = localhost;
After I can use it on another js file:
var connection = require(__dirname + '/../../../mysql');
I found it on this article: http://openmymind.net/2012/2/3/Node-Require-and-Exports/