I'm trying to get dictionary of directories and files from git repository like this:
{"dir1": ["file1", "file2", "dir2", "dir3"], "dir2": {"file3", "dir4"}}
I know how to get list of files, the problem is how to transform it into dictionary like this.
My list of files looks like this:
["dir/dir1/file1", "dir/dir1/file2", "dir/dir1/dir2/somefile"]
Feel so stupid now... I used this code:
directories = {'': set()}
for f in files:
splitted = f.split("/")
for i in range(len(splitted)):
if i == len(splitted)-1:
d = ''
for j in splitted[0:i+1]:
d += j + os.path.sep
d = d[0:-1]
if not d in directories:
directories[d] = set()