I have a recipe that requires downloading a file with a + in the file name. It fetches and unpacks the file to a path matching the file name, as one would expect, but then attempts to work out of a directory without the +... extension. For example:
# in the xsd recipe
Then bitbake xsd
results in the following two directories:
xsd-3.3.0-2 (aka, ${S} according to bitbake)
xsd-3.3.0-2+dep (where the files actually are)
So far I've attempted to change the S
variable after the unpack task occurs:
do_unpack_append () {
This results in an error that the line in the function cannot be parsed.
Does anyone know of a way around this problem?
After a great deal of searching, the trick was to update the S variable from within the recipe (i.e., not a task function):
S .= "+dep"
After a -c cleanall
, BitBake fetched, decompressed, and then began working out of the corrected source path.