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running liferay portlet on websphere application server 8.5.5

I have developed a liferay portlet and tested it on tomcat. I have deployed the decorated war via websphere admin console. I was able to start that under application -> websphere enterprize application section and the status was started.

When I open http://localhost:9080/ I am not able to see that portlet in add->more portlet option in liferay.

Please help me how could I be able to deploy that properly. Is any configuration needed further?


  • I have followed the documentation:

    and after starting liferay 6.1.20 ee ga2 on WAS successfully I have to add some settings in servers>Server Types>websphere application server> select my server (server1 in my case) Server1>Process Definition>Java Virtual Matchine>Custom Properties

    Add New

        **application.mnemonic** value **tag**
        **applicationproperty.location** value **c\tools\liferay\portlet**
        **** value ****
        **liferay.environment** value **local**
        **** value**$WAS-SERVER-NAME**

    By adding these custom setting I am now able to deploy the maven built portlets and now those are visible into my liferay add > more section