I'm using nginx as a load balancer in front of several upstream app servers and I want to set a trace id to use to correlate requests with the app server logs. What's the best way to do that in Nginx, is there a good 3rd party module for this?
Otherwise a pretty simple way would be to base it off of timestamp (possibly plus a random number if that's not precise enough) and set it as an extra header on the request, but the only set_header command I see in the docs is for setting a response header.
In most cases you don't need a custom module, you can simply set a header with a combination of embedded variables of http_core_module which is (most probably) unique. Example:
location / {
proxy_pass http://upstream;
proxy_set_header X-Request-Id $pid-$msec-$remote_addr-$request_length;
This would yield a request id like "31725-1406109429.299-" and should be "unique enough" to serve as a trace id.